How WE Are Diffrent
There is no magic wand to wave to end poverty.
But there are plenty that, together, can get the job done.
With your help the poor can have a better life in countries around the world, we have cultivated a , sustainable approach to development and education

A Learning Enviormnet Like No Other
A non traditional classroom into a highly interactive learning environment by engaging students in critical reasoning and problem solving while enabling them to generate, share, and evaluate multimedia-rich inquiries.

Educational Technology
Educational Technology Reviewer
The future Learning is in need of reviewers in six subject areas: English, Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Math, Science and Social Studies. Reviewers will be asked to try educational technology resources in their Classrooms and evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency while providing valuable tips for user implementation.
Reviewers will work in online teams, coordinated by a subject consultant, to produce these evaluations of tested resources for the database. Strong writing skills, content knowledge, ability to meet deadlines, and an interest in educational technology are musts. Most importantly, interested applicants should be genuinely interested in contributing their voice to help develop a database to increase the ease and efficiency with which their colleagues can access resources to aid educational technology implementation.

Help Build A Well For Kids
Help build a well for Kids
This gift means quenching thirst and nurturing learning. Clean water helps prevent the spread of disease.
It means missing less time in school due to illness, the ability to focus on learning instead of the next drink of clean water.
Because of this gift, a class of children will get the water they need so they can get the education they deserve.

Trained Personnel